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CTG Customer Care and Return Policy
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Errata - General Rules
Heirs: Fortress Advancement Kaze Roost 3 - Royal Nest
Uprising: Lookout # Talent (Netorut)
Horizon's Wrath: Fortress Advancement Hold 1 - Stowaways
Tutorial: Treed Movement on pg. 32
Errata - Solo/Co-Op Scenarios
Learning the Vines Tutorial Errors
Solo Brawnen 2: Expansion
Solo Heirs 3: Narora Borealis
Solo Grovetenders 1: Punished for Our Peace
Solo Grovetenders 2: Fighting for Our Future
See all 15 articles
Confusion on Terrain for Some Hexes
Limited vs. Unlimited Components
Joining War Hardcover: Printing error on one Griege scenario (2nd print)
General Gameplay
In what order do I resolve effects happening at the same time i.e. start of turn?
During the Prep Phase, what information am I permitted to ask of my opponents?
Do I have influence over a hex group that touches my fortress on the side?
What does "occupied" mean?
What defeats do I get rewards from?
See all 13 articles
What do I do if one of my units has two units with the talent Engage within its range?
When a defeated landmark grants you a free spire, which spires can you choose from?
Does Fair Fight copy the attack stat of its attacker, or the damage it receives?
What happens if a landmark minion with no attack stat becomes a faction minion and makes it to a fortress gate?
Is a gateport counted as path when determining if there is a path connecting fortresses?
See all 15 articles
Can equipment be taken off of a hero once it’s been equipped?
Do heroes equipped with Makeshift Wings gain the ability to move on any terrain?
Relics & Events
When a hero returns to its fortress, does it keep its equipment and upgrades?
When you select a hero for deployment, do you have to move it out of the fortress?
Can I prepare a 3rd hero and leave it in my fortress to deploy later that wave when one of my other 2 heroes is defeated?
Can merc heroes return to the fortress and recover to full health?
Can a hero in Campfire Mode be displaced?
See all 6 articles
In what order do spires fire?
Can spires fire on landmark minions?
If you are at your spire limit, can you voluntarily remove one in order to construct a new spire?
Do spires have to fire if they have a valid target?
Can I put more than one upgrade on a spire for one Build Option?
See all 9 articles
Attack, Retaliation & Defeat
If a grouped unit is defeated from a retaliation, does the next unit in the group get to attack as well?
Can I attack my own units?
When a unit or spire defeats itself, who gets the reward?
Can I attack or damage a unit that is in their fortress gate hex?
Is retaliation optional?
See all 7 articles
Can a unit move “backwards” on its turn?
Do minions have to displace friendly heroes if they can?
Do units have to displace units with the talent Flying, or other talents that have displacement text?
Is a displacement considered a move for talents such as Survival and Toxic Secretion?
Can you displace a friendly hero in campfire mode?
See all 9 articles
Can a unit with the talent Flying move through other units?
Do units have to use their # Range talent?
If a spire uses the talent Splash, does it have to get a hit on its attack dice in order to deal the damage from Splash?
How do elfinkazes work?
Does an elfinkaze sitting on top of a moving unit take damage if its perch moves into a hex affected by Toxic Secretion or Toxic Fumes?
When do elfinkazes move?
Can you use the Sight Unseen advancement more than once a wave?
Is using Quick Strike optional?
When a builder changes a dispatch platform into a siege tower, does it get its starting upgrades?
Does the artillery die have to be resolved when it is rolled?
When the Brawnen use their Artillery Die, does it turn off or remove their Level 2 (Gate Dispatchers) or Level 3 (Gate Spikes) advancements?
Can a Siege Tower use Raze the same turn it is constructed?
Does Impale work on landmark minions?
Do upgrades removed from the Root Die have to come from the bottom of the spires?
When Anvasse uses Matter Distortion, do I get to construct a spire on the earthscape immediately?
What happens when a unit uses Naroran Rift to teleport to a fortress spire?
Is Incorporeal optional?
What happens when a grouped unit uses Possess?
What happens when a grouped unit uses Stasis?
See all 7 articles
When Echri uses the talent Burrow, how much health does she recover?
Can an opposing hero attack a unit in the griege Evolution Pit?
Does a griege unit take a turn the same turn as it finishes evolving?
Does an evolving minion get to retaliate if attacked by an opposing hero?
Does the Evo Purifier advancement grant Source for all evolutions, or just those within the Evolution Pit?
See all 6 articles
Solo, Co-Op & Endless Modes
AI Exploration
End of Wave Objectives
Order of Scenarios and Playing One-Offs
Multiple Opposing AI Factions
AI Units in the Fortress Gate
See all 9 articles
Component Count - Imperatives
Striking Walls: Awareness Before Movement
Flux Capacitor Equipment
Surveillance Beads
General FAQs
Security Always Attacks Adjacent Detected Units
Pushed Units Maintain Facing
Changing Floors Starts a New Round
Keypads with No Inputs
Most Frequently Overlooked Rules
Bot FAQs
Access – Reassign Ability
Byte – Tumble Magnet
Byte – Silent Entry
Byte – Distortion Cloak
Gyro – Power Walk
See all 7 articles
Mission FAQs
Needchain – Terminal Viscosity
20 Strong
Decreasing Strategy Stat - Discard Items
Cannot Apply Misses
Instant Rewards Don't Require an Inventory Slot
Can't Use Single-use Items Outside of Inventory
Gaining a Reward is Not Mandatory
Solar Sentinels
Valkyrie, Mk. 7 - Stat Increases
Deceitle - Negate Effect of an Enemy
Drone Alone 3 - Change Two Misses to Two Hits
Gutterdie - Add Enemy During Endgame
Big Sucker - Matching Colored Pairs
Too Many Bones
“Face Up” Enemies - Scouted
You Lose if you Can’t Move
Volcanic Brute Reward - Treat as Defeated
Serpent's Special - only has an effect if there are Primuses in battle
Too Many Bones
Do Baddies re-roll Active Def on their turn?
Can Gearlocs and Baddies roll Atk dice without a valid target in order to acquire Bones?
What blocks Gearloc and Baddie movement? Can they move through allied units? Opposing units?
In what order do you resolve "start of turn" effects?
When does a battle end?
See all 7 articles
Baddie Skills and Encounter Terms
Q: If a Baddie with "Engulf" does damage to another Baddie with "Break," are the Baddie with "Engulf's" Atk dice exhausted?
Q: When resolving "Thick Skin" do you remove Def dice first? Does it negate the first # of Atk dice, or just the first # of total incoming Dmg?
Q: How many Baddies do I add to the Battle Queue each Round if a Baddie has "Signal 2, 3, etc?"
Q: If Bones are rolled on ATK dice and used in my Backup Plan to deal damage to a Baddie with "Break" - are those ATK dice exhausted?
See all 13 articles
Q: How many orcs will Marrow call with his "Call Orc" Backup Plan if he rolls 3 Bones?"
Q: When do I resolve checking whether Mulmesh has 3 HP or less remaining? Can I apply Poison, Bleed, etc before he leaves (or after the HP check) to benefit me?
Q: What happens when a Gearloc is Revived during Nom’s Battle?
Q: If the Goblin Queen’s Guard is moved out of the A/B spots (by a Skill or Loot, for example), how does the Goblin Queen’s Guard move thereafter?
Q: How do you resolve Kollossum's Synapse, if the “closest fellow Gearloc” has no available adjacent spaces?
See all 6 articles
Specific Encounters
Q: Can you clarify how "Between a Rock and a Hard Place" works?
Q: How does the “Gearlocs Need Food Badly” Encounter work?
Q: If multi-use Loot has been partially used, can I still use it to search for better Loot during my Recovery phase?
Q: Does trading the Tewaren Gem for a Trove Loot count as my one Recovery Action?
Q: Does the Reinforced Buckler ignore my Defense Stat?
40 Days in Daelore
Q: Am I missing a card in 40 Days in Daelore?
Age of Tyranny
If I carry over the Hunter's Body Count Necklace, do the Baddies on it carry over?
Rage of Tyranny
Why do you recommended to play with the Day 1-2/3 cards from RoT specifically?
Q: Can I change my target/still attack after I use my "Jump" Skill?
Q: Does Tantrum's Rage Meter increase when taking damage using Buff HP?
Q: Do I increase Tantrum's Body Count if a Baddie is killed via the poison from my "Poison Armor?"
Q: Can Boomer's frag grenades target a space on the Battle Mat, rather than a Baddie?
Q: What does the unlisted symbol on Boomer's "Search for 325" die do?
Q: How does Boomer's Napalm skill work? Will she always take Backlash?
Q: Does Patches need to be adjacent to another Gearloc in order to heal them?
Q: Can Patches heal one of Tink's bots?
Q: Can "Riposte" be used to avoid Baddie Skills that trigger when Bones are rolled? Can "Riposte" be used to avoid Tyrant Skills?
Q: Do Def dice in Picket's Locked Slots for his Innate +1 reduce his available Def to roll?
Q: Does the order of Def resolution matter when using Constant Defense in my Locked Slots?
Q: Does Picket's "Shield Bash" Backup Plan exhaust standard Atk and Def dice, or only Skill dice?
Q: Can Tink have more than one Bot out on the Battle Mat at a time?
Q: What happens to a Bot out on the Battle Mat if Tink is KO'd?
Q: Can Tink Bots Auto-Attack on the turn that they are deployed?
Q: Does the exact rolled value of Camo need to be used, or can I use "up to" the rolled value?
Q: What happens to Ghillie’s pets if Ghillie is KO’d?
Ghillie's Pets - Dex is Spent on Ghillie's Turn
Q: Do Nugget's Slingstones cost Dex? Do I need a Slingstone for each Atk die, or just one for the whole Atk?
Q: Is Longblade a melee Skill or a ranged Skill?
Duster & Nightshade
Q: Does Nightshade enter the Battle Mat at the end of a round, if Duster has been KO’d?
Q: When Nightshade enters the Battle Mat, where does it position itself?
Q: Can a Baddie with Dodge still be Poisoned by an Atk that’s had Duster’s Blade Dip applied?
Q: How does Stanza's "Electrify" work?
How do Stanza's A/I skills work?
Q: Does Gasket’s Gut skill work around Thick Skin and Hardy?
Q: How exactly does the Green Bone work on Gasket’s Hydro Valve?
Q: Do Gasket’s Skills exhaust if a Baddie Skill forces them to? (i.e. Shock)
Can I choose the Vision suit with Pocket Pairs?
Do all of Gale's Major skills last the entire battle?
Meat Hooks & Undead Baddie Skill
Vanish Clarifications
General Questions
Q: If asked to remove dice from my Active/Locked Slots, are those dice exhausted, or put back on my Gearloc Mat?
Q: Do Atk and Def dice being used in my Backup Plan reduce the number of Atk and Def dice I have available to roll?
Q: Can Buff HP be used to mitigate poison, true damage, etc?
Q: What counts as a "Hit" as it relates to triggering Baddie abiilities and Skills?
Q: My copy of the game has a couple of dice with blank sides, is that normal?
See all 12 articles
1st Print Errata (Victorum & Remastered)
Victorum Errata: Kalliope Scion Card
Remastered Errata: Depthcharger's Tactician Skill
Remastered Errata: Scheherazade HP chips
Victorum: Beasts in Pluto's Refugees Arena
Victorum: Act IV modifier - HP or Health
Skill Qs (Victorum & Remastered)
Skill: Agile - How is it different from an attack?
Skill changes mid-turn
Skill: Heave - do rivals use Heave if they have no attack target?
Victorum Specific Qs
Defeated Primuses - returned to the box
Kunlun Arena and Tactical
Stats on Hero Chips
Using blessings to gain bag units
The Parthian's 'Teacher of the String' prowess
See all 13 articles
Remastered Specific Qs
Other General Qs (Victorum & Remastered)
Dazed: Getting dazed off-turn
Blue text on the Skills Reference - for rivals only
The Lost Cities (Original Hoplo)
Q: When can I use an Ability?
Q: Do Arena units go back in the bag when defeated?
Q: Can a gladiator pass an Arena Beast without getting combat-locked?
Q: When and how often can you play a Tactic Chip?
Q: Can you "Hurl" or "Pull" Bosses?
See all 30 articles
Rise of Rome (Original Hoplo)
If a friendly unit gains the "Impel" Ability, i.e. another basic attack on your turn, and this unit attacks another unit with the "Absorb" ability twice, is every basic attack from the attacking unit absorbed? Or just the first one?
Archers or spearmen typically hang out on the pillars in a non-solo match. But in a Titan match, the pillars are occupied (at least initially) by shards. Do we wait to deploy archers/spearmen until the pillars are free?
Where do my defeated gladiators/used tactics go? Back into the bag or discarded?
Does "Relentless" allow the unit to reroll all dice once each turn, or once for the entire time he's in the arena?
Do you activate Shard Shock/Slam for each shard carried or just once for the "group" of shards?
See all 37 articles
Origins (Original Hoplo)
When playing the Atlantis arena, if you choose a unit with Bloodlust as your leader, does the skill trigger when any damage is received? Or, only after the leaders original health is lowered?
The solo trials rule sheet says that you only draft 6 chips instead of 8. Can I still draft more than one Star Type chip?
When executing the Xanadu Champion "Heave", what does "directly overhead" mean?
When fighting Atlas on the Atlantis Arena, I manage to take down Atlas with a basic attack. However, Atlas having "Retaliate" also manages to take me out. Do I win in this case?
After the El Dorado AI champion picks up the tribute, does the Player get to choose which way it moves around the fountain to the players advantage?
See all 55 articles
The Elder Scrolls
Some places refer to the 19-hex tile as a 17-hex tile
Item card count - should be 100 common, 60 legendary
Valenwood B35 (Eyes of the Queen guild quest, pg. 32)
Objective token - wrong icon (pg. 35 of rulebook)
Recover Dice section in rulebook (pg. 23) re: drained dice
General Rules Questions
Enemy Defense - Applies to each engage or instance of damage
Survey and Uncover delves - what's the difference between these objectives?
Overland Movement - you can move through landmarks
Range - does it apply to all skills?
Bonus HP - does it count as HP? (No)
See all 19 articles
Races, Classes, Skills & Status Effects
Class abilities - when can they be triggered?
Necromancer - can the Spirit Guardian companion maintain HP above its stat between battles? (Yes)
Daedric Summoning: Bound Armaments - can you change battle forms? (No)
Restoring Light: Master Ritualist - where do you resurrect? (The same hex as defeated)
Stealth - Is stealth maintained if I use a skill that "defeats" an enemy? (Yes)
See all 10 articles