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The Elder Scrolls
Some places refer to the 19-hex tile as a 17-hex tile
Item card count - should be 100 common, 60 legendary
Objective token - wrong icon (pg. 35 of rulebook)
Recover Dice section in rulebook (pg. 23) re: drained dice
Black Marsh A01 (Mages Guild quest, pg. 18)
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General Rules Questions
Overland Movement - you can move through landmarks
Bonus HP - does it count as HP? (No)
Fatigue - when you can take "any amount" of fatigue, is there a limit to this? (No)
Healing - is how much you healed based on HP gained or the healing given? (HP gained)
Town actions - all town actions are personal unless stated otherwise
Enemy Defense - Applies to each engage or instance of damage
Survey and Uncover delves - what's the difference between these objectives?
Range - does it apply to all skills?
Enemy Combat Dice - are they limited? (yes)
Engage - only units targeted are engaged
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Races & Classes
Class abilities - when can they be triggered?
Necromancer - can the Spirit Guardian companion maintain HP above its stat between battles? (Yes)
Innates and Enduring class abilities are optional
Adventurer Skills
Daedric Summoning: Bound Armaments - can you change battle forms? (No)
Restoring Light: Master Ritualist - where do you resurrect? (The same hex as defeated)
Illusion: Mayhem - this does not turn off all skills
Acrobatics: Fleet Phantom - start of turn movement allows you to attack Elusive enemies
Enemy Skills
Dodge - what dice are considered to deal damage?
Enemy skills "after" engage - do they trigger if defeated? (No)
Stalwart - can't lose more than 1 HP - this includes from true damage
Divert - requires at least two instances of damage to be defeated
Status Effects
Status effects - are they automatically removed from adventurers after battle? (No)
Stealth - Is stealth maintained if I use a skill that "defeats" an enemy? (Yes)
Fear - "non-Combat skills" are all skills except the Combat skill line
Daze and Steal - can a Dazed enemy that's moved, use Steal? (no)
Blind - enemies factor in their Blind status for targeting and moving
Regions, Quests, & Side Quests
Skyrim: Icy Buildup - does it clear between delves? (Yes)
SQ-09 Watcher in the Dark - No Reward Phase after the delve, hexes with no landmark = empty hexes
Pets - what if a game effect forces them into your pack? (Discard)
Armor - is there a limit to how many times it can be used in a round? (no)
Armor - when do you choose whether to overtax it? (after the enemy rolls)
Inventory slots - your pack can have more than 4 items (as long as item total doesn't exceed 8)
Palefrost Elk (common pet) - for lockpicking, each die adjusted is an instance of light fatigue