There is nothing quite as frustrating with online shopping as having a shipment go astray.
There may be a few reasons why you have not received any notification for your package:
- Orders are generally batched and forwarded to our fulfillment partners on the schedule below. Please be aware that there are sometimes factors that may cause a delay in this schedule, such as Holiday business hours -
Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday at 12:00PM Central Time
Friday at 12:00PM Central Time
Australia/New Zealand
Friday at 12:00PM Central Time
UK/Europe/Rest of World
Sunday and Wednesday at12:00PM Central Time.
If your order was placed after the 12:00PM batch time, it will be held until the next batch processing time. For more information regarding order processing schedules, particularly Canada and Asia, please click here. - Double-check that your order doesn't contain any preorders. If there is one, please note that none of your items within that order will ship until the preorder is available.
- If your tracking number is reading as invalid, your information may not yet be available. Check the carrier's website periodically as their system may not have updated. It can sometimes take 24-48 hours for a package to reach a distribution hub and be scanned in.
- Crowdfunding orders are handled differently from standard orders. Please look to your projects updates for information on how and when these orders will ship.
- While you will receive a dispatch notification, you may not receive a tracking number if your package is under 2kg. This weight range usually falls under the threshold of required tracking with most couriers.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. If none of the above bullet points apply to your specific situation, please let us know by creating a ticket HERE. One of our customer service representatives will be happy to assist.
Due to various staff outages related to the COVID-19 situation, order shipments may be delayed by our fulfillment partners. If you have not received a SHIPPING NOTIFICATION(transit time for you to receive your order may take 2-3 weeks once shipped) within one week of placing your order and none of the reasons above pertain to your situation, please submit a ticket HERE, and we would be happy to contact the appropriate fulfillment partner on your behalf.
Riddle rewards, such as the Trove Loot, Break Keeper, and Ace in the Troll cards may experience longer delays, as they are processed from our home office. Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, we are only able to access our warehouse for shipping once every two weeks.